Being Open To Healing

We have this saying…. What’s worked before might not work again and what hasn’t worked in the past might work now!

Healing is a wild journey it’s unpredictable in nature and involves a lot of trial and error. When people come to our clinic they often say something along the lines I’ve gone everywhere and tried everything to deal with insert XYZ health issues. 

These people are tired, they’re exhausted and they’re losing hope! Hope that their pains and discomforts can be eased. That there is a way to heal from whatever it is they are dealing with.

I like to think of The Living Wellness Lounge as the last (best) stop. A term I’m borrowing from my lovely mentor Andrea Nakayama. 

When people are in the thick of their suffering, it’s hard to see the light and the end of the tunnel. One reason it’s helpful to work with an objective observer who can hold that light for you. Someone who can meet you where you are, but hold you where you could be. Someone to help you navigate the feelings of despair and desperation you’re feeling as you desperately search for the answer.


If this sounds like you I send you an invitation, I invite you into a new paradigm of thinking.

Instead of hanging on to “I’ve gone everywhere and tried everything” I want you to start saying “I haven’t found what works…. YET” 

This subtle shift of mindset leaves things open ended. It invokes hope and possibility. It leaves you in a place of expansion instead of the dead end you feel you’ve hit.

There are many ways up the healing mountain, and I’ll let you in on a little secret. It’s not about finding the one secret pill or protocol, the magic surgery or god like practitioner to “fix” your health woes. None of those things exist and if they did… You would have already found them!

I often invite clients into this mindset shift at the start of our work together. From this place we can now explore with an openness and an acceptance to try and fail and more importantly try and succeed. 

From this place we do magical things together. Sometimes we try things the clients already tried with a new approach and fresh mindset and we DO find success. Sometimes we try something new and foreign and it doesn’t work and either way it’s valuable information on the healing journey.


Part of healing is learning and exploring. Every person is so beautifully unique that it truly does takes a journey. 

So if you are feeling like you’ve hit a dead end… Just remember you haven’t found what works YET. 



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