Give your digestive system a little boost with this post meal digestive aid. It’s easy to throw together, tasty and lasts you a while! Give it a go 🙂 You may even have all these common spices on hand!
Tag Archives: food as medicine
Explore what it truly means to use food as medicine and WHY this ancient practice is more important than ever. Food has the power to heal or harm. It has one of the biggest impacts on health over the course of a lifetime..
Give your digestive system a BOOST with this simple, easy and delicious seed mix. Chances are you already have all the ingredients at home! Find digestive ease, support with gas and fresher breath with a few crunches on this lil mix!
Explore how nutrition goes beyond calories and macros, influencing our health at the micronutrient level. Learn why treating food as medicine is crucial in navigating our way out of the current health crisis.
Are you drowning in all the diet noise out there just struggling to find what style of eating is right for you? You’re not alone. Join us as we explore personalized diets.