Too often I see people try and hate themselves to healing.. you can’t find the health and happiness you seek if you are approaching from a place of hate.
Tag Archives: healing journey
Today I invite you into a mindset shift, one that allows you to move from a dead end, to a place of hope and possibility on your healing journey. Just because you haven’t found what works yet, doesn’t mean it’s not out there.
Are you struggling to find lasting and TRUE resolution to your chronic health challenges? Have you gone everywhere and tried everything? Do you find yourself constantly seeking the next pill or protocol that will bring you the relief you so badly want (and deserve)?
My heart goes out to all the lost souls battling bouts of anxiety and depression without a light source. It can be dark days, and stormy nights navigating these unexplained emotional blankets wrapping us up and smothering our authenticity.
There is an oftimes very overlooked yet very important aspect to healing… the spiritual piece! Let’s explore this missing link together
One piece of advice I noticed myself constantly hearing, and constantly repeating in my adulthood was something along the lines of “You have to fix that within yourself, no one can do that for you.” It’s funny because there was quite a gap between me repeating this and me living this.